Paying a lot of money for what your told is a "good" vodka to have it turn out to be $8 shitty russian vodka
The girls gave Dan $40 for a bottle of Grey Goose. He came back and gave them "A very expensive Vodka" thats "from Russia so you know its really good". In actuality, it cost $8, and taste like shit. The girls then said, "fuck i cant believe we get Red Russianed."
by Ja Reiss December 10, 2005
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Bro 1: "Man you were a straight commie last night"
Bro 2: "What?"
Bro 2: "Going crazy of those Red Russians"
by steezyfool November 17, 2010
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To pierce ones urethra in their penis with a hyperdemic needle and then jizzing on his/her's face.
Man last night I gave Texas' mom a red russian, you should have seen all the bloody jizz on that hoe's face.
by ajizzlefoshizzle April 23, 2006
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when a girl is on her period youdrink the blood from her vagina
My bitch is on her period so tonite im going to get a russian red scare
by chenny baybay June 13, 2007
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when you moon someone and you spread ass cheeks.
dude, that smelly kid drew gave me a russian red eye so i kicked his ass
by Caflisch22 April 22, 2006
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