Rainbow Roulette is a drinking game in which a group of gay men randomly select mixed drinks that all but one have been drugged with viagra. The last drink is drugged with rohypnol.
by Wooticus Maximus January 31, 2016
"I forget which bottle I stashed the LSD in."
"Give me a shot of everything, time for a game of Rainbow Roulette."
"Give me a shot of everything, time for a game of Rainbow Roulette."
by cajunmike September 13, 2011
The act of inserting a fist full of multicoloured skittle sweets, into the rectal passage, before being rogered in the poop choob. After the money shot, the brave buccaneer takes position and the fruity goo is ejected into his or her mouth, trying to guess what colour or flavour they will get next.
by carpetfrog March 14, 2007