
The statement posing as a question that nincompoops pose in Q&A segments of live talks.
Expanded: In the event of a public talk or interview with a person of note, the moderator throws it open to the floor for the inevitable Q&A section, where various nincompoops try to show off to the crowd about how big a fan they are of the person's work, or just want to tell them something about themselves by dressing up statements as questions.
"We'll throw it open to questions from the audience now, and please, no Questatements -we only have 15 minutes."
by Jason_Chatfield October 24, 2018
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n. A sentence written in such a way that the reader(s) cannot discern whether it is intended to serve as a question, or as a statement.
Why is every damn email she writes filled with questatements? It's like she sticks a question mark at the end of every sentence, regardless of whether it's an ask or a tell.
by Cap'n Wordsmithereens February 12, 2013
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The act of questing, taking part in a side quest of sorts. An unknown activity to acquire something.
My friend and I are partaking on a questation in the near future.
by Planet Fitness December 17, 2024
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When your S.O. (significant other) wants you to do something and asks the question using a declarative statement. Phrase can end with either a question mark or a period.
''Are you painting the kids rooms this weekend?'' (no previous discussion of painting any rooms at any time.)
''What time are you picking up the pizza for dinner?'' (no previous knowledge of what your S.O. wanted for dinner prior to the questatement.)
by FletcherC March 20, 2021
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