1: used to describe everything and anything
1: to freak out
2: to have any reaction at all
Related Forms
Qwertzy, qwertzable
She tended to qwertz when she got nervous.
That car is totally qwertzy.
by MerriamWebster2 August 16, 2011
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First 6 letters in a German keyboard. The English equivalent is "QWERTY"
by Pablo A. September 1, 2003
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"querty'" for germans
"Quertz" gibt's nur hier!!
by nobody June 4, 2003
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that's it
that's basically a qwertz keyboard
ok here have some ACTUAL things about it
y is replaced by z and vice versa
ENG DE English (United States) German keyboard.
you will be confused when typing ascii characters and stuff, such as trying to find and
yeah uh that about it uhhhhhh
by literally just a bicycle September 7, 2021
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