Basically the act of being a pedophile, then continues to completely forget that friends exist and focus all his time on a 6 year-old.
Person 1: Hey How's Brian?
Person 2: Oh it's fucking horrible, he's Pulling a Noah
by GGigidygigidy69 August 27, 2022
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Using C4 or an Impact Grenade to destroy a drone or flying across the country to be with a “girlfriend”
“Damn, he blew up my drone. He was pulling a Noah
by King Chrome August 19, 2020
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pulling a "keira likes noah" means that when your really obessed or obsessing over somebody.
"dayum I'm really pulling a keira likes noah card rn" "this is really a keira likes noah situation" "she's about to pull a keira likes noah"
by shayleigh angelica October 27, 2021
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The act of completely disappearing from someone's life at a random, unexpected moment in time during a point when you were talking to that someone for a reasonable amount of time.
"How should I get rid of this guy I've been flirting with? I don't want to date him."

"Oh girl, just pull a Noah."
by lil kleenex October 23, 2017
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