Spiritual Psychoextraphysics is a field of psychoextraphysics that seeks to study spiritual, religious, mystical, esoteric, occult and extraphysical experiences and the relation between their stimulus and sensations between the physical and extraphysical level. Also seeking to study the relation between the physical body and the extraphysical body during those experiences.
"Spiritual psychoextraphysics is an interesting field of study for study about astral projection, mediumship, meditation and other spiritual practices and experiences in a way that considers physics, extraphysics, psychology and spirituality at the same time, and it's really amazing."
by Full Monteirism May 11, 2021
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Psychoextraphysics is the study of the relation between stimulus and sensations at extraphysical level, and also studying the dialectical relation between stimulus and sensations on physical and extraphysical levels.
"Psychoextraphysics is a nice are inside extraphysics, since it studies how the stimulus and sensations behave at extraphysical level such as the dialectics between physical and extraphysical levels focusing on stimulus and sensations."
by Full Monteirism March 18, 2021
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Psychoextraphysics is a branch of extraphysics that seeks to study the stimulus and sensations at extraphysical level and their interaction with the physical stimulus and sensations, psychoextraphysics uses of extraphysical mechanics and extraphysics in order to study those stimulus and sensations and it's used for study the stimulus and sensations of mystical, religious, spiritual, esoteric and out-of-body experiences and phenomena and it's often rejects material reductionist ideas and notions of those experiences and it's focused on the extraphysicalist and extramaterialist ideas and notions of those experiences.
"Psychoextraphysics might be a great way to start studying mystical and spiritual experiences and phenomena and even lead into the development of extraphysical mechanics and extraphysics as well."
by Full Monteirism June 2, 2021
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