Protein Diet

The act of ejaculating in someone elses mouth, thus giving them an ample serving of protein.
Dude, after she was done blowin me last night I put that bitch on a protein diet.
by AstrosFan4Life February 19, 2009
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liquid protein diet

Swallowing enough semen to be able to subsist solely on that intake.
Kevin's eyes widened dramatically when he saw Stephanie remove her dentures; and he purred with pleasure as she next informed him that she'd quit Weight Watcher's to try the liquid protein diet instead.
by Niemand of Chaos March 29, 2005
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protein diet

A diet consumed by a person, only served to them by a man. Purpose is for weight loss. The only sustenance is provided to them by their male partner ejaculating in their mouth.
My bitch's ass was getting big so i put her on the protein diet.
by jmhunter July 6, 2010
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