The act of apologizing for anything that people will take offense to before you do it. Prepologies are often associated with high levels of alcohol and sometimes drugs.
A boyfriend's prepology: "Hey Rachel (girlfriend), I just want to prepologize for anything dumb I do tonight. (I'm really drunk.)"
by Mblev October 6, 2007
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Noun: When someone gives a disclaimer before saying something, usually offensive.
Old Albert always gave a prepology, I'm not racist but, if they can say black power, why can't we say white power?
by JohnnyStratashoes June 10, 2017
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Aaron: I'm getting drunk here so I'd like to prepologize for anything I do or say from now on.

Dave: Respect
by badnewsbrookes April 4, 2009
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To explain in advance that one intends to insult, slam, or belittle the person one is addressing
"I don't mean this the way it sounds, but..."

"Don't take this the wrong way, but..."

Used in a sentence: No. No. Please don't feel you need to prepologize for hurting my feelings.
by Ugbutton May 25, 2010
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The act of attempting to preemptively manage or deflect a possible negative response from the other party, usually in such an obvious manner as to ironically be really annoying to the other party anyway.
"Can you take the kids to soccer practice while I clean the bathroom and cook dinner?" (the unnecessary and bitchy while-clause is prepologism for the possible "why can't YOU take the kids to soccer practice?" response)
by Grank June 18, 2008
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An apology given in advance of the event or fact creating the need for an apology.
The man gave an eloquent prepology before making the disastrous mistake.
by pkizilos June 17, 2021
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