An medical variant of the condition known as 'tennis elbow' primarily affecting the dominant arm of hyperactive males who don't play tennis.
Jim: What's going on Doc? I can barely bend my right elbow.
Doctor: It's obviously a severe case of tennis elbow.
Jim: I don't play tennis, Dude.
Doctor: Do you stay up late, alone with a computer?
Jim: Uhh Maybe

Doctor: Are you right handed Jim?
Jim: Uhh Ya
Doctor: Jim, sorry to tell you but it looks like you've got a severe case of porno elbow. Unplug the computer for two weeks and you'll be fine.
by gyrfalcon206 July 2, 2010
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A medical variantion of the condition known as 'tennis elbow' primarily affecting the dominant arm of hyperactive males who don't play tennis.
Jim: What's going on Doc? I can barely bend my right elbow.

Doctor: It's obviously a severe case of tennis elbow.

Jim: I don't play tennis, Dude.

Doctor: Do you stay up late, alone with a computer?

Jim: Uhh Maybe

Doctor: Are you right handed Jim?

Jim: Uhh Ya

Doctor: Jim, sorry to tell you but it looks like you've got a severe case of porno elbow. Unplug the computer for two weeks and you'll be fine.
by Fender212 July 5, 2010
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