To be tied up and someone forcing you to read play/musical
That girl was playped by the man forcing her to read Shakespeare.
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Having been forced to read Shakespeare against one's will. The act of plaype is seen in the 1986 "film," Wired to Kill. The term was coined by internet celebrity Rich Evans of RedLetterMedia on Best of the Worst.
My English teacher kept wanting me to read Act 4 Scene 5 of Hamlet. I told her I didn't want to, but she kept threatening me and didn't even ask for consent. I was playped.
by You Can't Stump the Milo March 20, 2016
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A person getting raped while being forced to recite lines from a play.
"Don't you know what happened to the lady in the last movie? She got playped!"
by Tanner the Spanner September 26, 2017
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