Perfectly done <3

The phrase that most YouTube users use in challenge videos, can be commonly found in YouTube shorts
Video: I bet you can't like this video with your nose!
Comment: It was eas- Perfectly done <3
Some comments:Why do people type these????
by burntpandesal December 9, 2021
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Perfectly done <3

A YouTube shorts / TikTok trend, where after completing a challenge, a plethora of users will type “Perfectly done <3” in the comments.

Though, let’s be real, people will type that regardless of whether or not they actually did anything.
John: Why the fuck is this comment section only full of “Perfectly done <3”? Is this channel botted?

Robert: No, that’s just the YouTube/TikTok hivemind.
by galaxystarss November 26, 2021
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Perfectly done <3

A little phrase used by presumably either bots or children that are smattered all over a YouTube short or tik tok.
It means that the thing being viewed was done with great skill
“Dude, carter, I’ve been seeing this perfectly done <3 stuff in comment sections, and I think it’s from bots.”
“No, Harold, it seems these Tiktokers are brainwashing kids or something, man.”
by tonyissuperangry February 1, 2022
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Perfectly done <3

A YouTube shorts / TikTok trend, where after completing a challenge, a plethora of users will type “Perfectly done <3” in the comments.

Though, let’s be real, people will type that regardless of whether or not they actually did anything.
John: Why the fuck is this comment section only full of “Perfectly done <3”? Is this channel botted?

Robert: No, that’s just the YouTube/TikTok hivemind.
by galaxystarss November 26, 2021
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perfectly done <3

Some stupid thing on social media that people say to show they did something perfectly!
I’m not gonna say-perfectly done <3
by Bdbdndndndnd December 3, 2021
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perfectly done <3

Kids under 9 use this on youtube shorts to show that they did something "perfectly"
Video: what is your guys favorite food
XDpotato23: Pizza! "perfectly done <3"
by QwertyManWasTaken September 1, 2022
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Perfectly done <3

A form of saying that a challenge a TikToker or YouTuber was told to do was easy.
8th row, 1st one. Perfectly done <3
by Anti-TikTok July 22, 2022
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