
Any time you walk into a dirty, skummy bathroom, and your shoes stick to the floor and make that noise like wax being pulled off of skin. Usually they are the bathroom's that have condom machines hanging everywhere, and drunk guy's passed out next to the toilet.
"So, I'm with this girl, Ashley, right? and I'm like lets go "hang out" at your place... and she's like 'ok, but you need a rubber' so I'm like, this crappy ol bar should have one in their bathroom, I walk in, and I'm stuck to the floor...when I pry myself off the pee-floor, shes gone, so is my erection!"

I was stuck to the pee-floor for a half-hour in front of the urnal, so I decide, if I pee on my shoes maybe I could get out of it....WRONG, it jus encaked it more...HELP!!!

I wet my pants last night in the bar cause I got stuck to the pee-floor as soon as I walked in to the bathroom...I couldn't hold was...painful...

"I got to go to the bathroom...too many beers my friend!"
"You can't be serious? In this crappy bar? The pee-floor will get you for sure!"
by Ben Peterson November 6, 2007
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When you find that your beloved pet dog or cat has piddled (pissed, passed micturition, uranated, pottied, peed, etc.) all over the floor (the kitchen floor in particular; but carpeted floors throughout the house would still qualify), you sing this little jingle.
{Sung to the tune of the nursery rhyme, "The Farmer in the Dell"}:

♫ There's pee-pee on the floor, ♫

♫ There's pee-pee on the floor, ♫

Don't step in the litter box ♫

♫ There's pee-pee on the floor, ♫
by Telephony August 31, 2016
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10/10 meme of a beautiful yellow shimmering fish singing a reasonably majestic song, the lyrics remain elusive however as i have no clue what a commodore is. Sung to the tune of that fnaf song the hor hor horhor one
Teacher: Open your books on pag..
Me: Ra ta ta ta ra ta ta ta ta Dont pee on the floor, use the commodore
by Bruhwoahkennyjandumm April 11, 2022
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when we fell in love he peed on the floor and i licked it up 🥰
When we fell in love, you made my heart drop
And you had me thinkin' 'bout you non-stop
But you cry 'bout this and whine about that
When you grow a pear, you can call me back
Yeah, I think you're hot, I think you're alright
But you're actin' like a chick all the time
You were cool and now you're not, just like that
When you grow a pear, you can call me back when ed sheeran pees on the floor 😻
by ed sheeran 😻 September 13, 2021
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“Don’t pee on the floor use the comonder” Ratatata ratata dont pee on the floor use the comonder laaaaa la la la la
by kai_nyx April 9, 2022
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