Protoss IMBAlanced

A common phrase among the players of StarCraft, a popular RTS game developed by Blizzard Ent. It complains (more often than not jokingly) about Protoss, one of the 3 playable races in the game, is so strong that is compromising the balance of the game (here, "balance" roughly means that all 3 races are designed to have equal capacity and potential, making the performance of a player independent of the race he plays/chooses to play/prefers to play).

Similar terms are "Timba" (Terran imbalanced) and "Zimba" (Zerg imbalanced)

see also: imba
That Colossus just ate my lings for breakfast without a scratch! Pimba!
Proxy Pylon always gets me. Pimba!
Considering Pimba, let's nerf Terran.
by zmpony September 16, 2015
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A. slang code word for having any type of sexual pleasure with another in Portuguese.

B. anything you want it to be when referring to something sexual again in Portuguese

C. to agree with.

D. Portuguese pop music
A. Guy 1:Hey, did pimba last night with Jess?

Guy 2: Yep, and it was amazing!

B. GF: So Alex..what do you want for your birthday?

BF: I want to pimba!!

C. Guy 1: Last night me and Jenalyn smashed...

by portista-manhor169 October 29, 2010
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The "Pimba" is a mystical force that has permeated humanity since its beginnings. It was from this mysterious force that the Cosmos, the Ki, the Chakra and even the Force appeared. The pimba, if used properly, has the power to destroy all the threats that are around it or even save your life when you are drowning. It still enables advanced fighting techniques such as "Tektektchurugui", "Embrazado Mode" or "Pimba Master 2018"

However Pimba should be used with caution and skill, not being an art for everyone. And once in his sight, it is certain death, because "there is no way to deal with the powers of the pimba, man".
"Oh SHIT" A person being hit by a pimba punch
"You can't control the pimba until you reach the 'Pimba master 2018' form" Dava Jonas, the pima creator and most skilled user.
by SucculentsArePlantastic December 27, 2017
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