2 definitions by zmpony

Protoss IMBAlanced

A common phrase among the players of StarCraft, a popular RTS game developed by Blizzard Ent. It complains (more often than not jokingly) about Protoss, one of the 3 playable races in the game, is so strong that is compromising the balance of the game (here, "balance" roughly means that all 3 races are designed to have equal capacity and potential, making the performance of a player independent of the race he plays/chooses to play/prefers to play).

Similar terms are "Timba" (Terran imbalanced) and "Zimba" (Zerg imbalanced)

see also: imba
That Colossus just ate my lings for breakfast without a scratch! Pimba!
Proxy Pylon always gets me. Pimba!
Considering Pimba, let's nerf Terran.
by zmpony September 16, 2015
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Divided States of America.

DSA is a country that lies in North America. Once upon a time, the "D" in its name used to be "U", until a controversial figure called Donald J. Trump was elected as President.
Terrorist 1: I read in the news that this morning, Trump supporters killed/captured another 10 thousand Trump haters, and then they slaughtered the POWs and barbecued their meat for a feast. In retaliation, the Trump haters blew up another 2000 houses of Trump supporters, killing many of their wives and kids.

Terrorist 2: Wow the people of DSA are really at it, we're out of job now!

Terrorist 1: Yeah, I'm making popcorn.
by zmpony March 8, 2017
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