Basically saying or but in a more hood way. Or basically saying oh
Her: I'm going to the mall tomorrow.
Me: Orh.

Son: Mommy I'm hungry. I want pizza
Mother: Orh too bad . Go cook .
by Black&Beautiful May 30, 2020
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Singlish for something like 'ok'.
Person 1: "Go water the plants."
Person 2: "Orh."
Person 1: "I'm making chicken rice for dinner, ok?"
Person 2: "Orh."
Person 1: "I need to make dinner soon."
Person 2: "Orh."
by TypicalSingaporean October 1, 2021
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A term of exclamation for when something is too immense for actual words
Person A:It is the Sabbath tomorrow
Person B:ORH!
by Sparkee B April 7, 2007
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Used by children in Singapore when they see someone doing something wrong. Usually followed up by said child reporting said wrongdoing to a parent, teacher or another person of authority. If you heard this as a kid you knew you were in deep shit.
by Rashid Khalifa May 13, 2021
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