Abbreviation for 'Oh My Various Gods', it's a cute substitution for OMFG (Oh my fucking God)
In IM language 'OMVG he is such a moron!'
by Erin Conley October 29, 2006
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A family-friendly abbreviation used in the show Victorious to express excitement instead of using the exclamation "OMFG!"
"OMVG! Jase just gave me the BEST IDEA ever!!!"
- Victorious, Season 3, Ep. 1
by rockstarmade January 17, 2022
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While being under pressure and mad at the same time, a person types as fast as they can and autocorrect fails them and you may find your self typing omvg rather than omg
Pjnumba1: I got family everywhere, you can’t escape me

Valery: omvg
by Distracting8ballking July 25, 2021
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