Entry: PRONOUCNED ->Awesome
Synonoms: Very Awesome, Pretty Awesome, Ridiculously Awesome, Sean "Guy" Capri, Disgustingly Awesome etc.
Antonyms: Umm... Not Sean "Guy" Capri
Come on look alive, Hutch...HUTCH!!!
1) That was Osm!
2) " Sean you are OSM"
3) Isn't Sean Osm??? He's seriously hot right now
by hutch August 5, 2004
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(when typing):
that was so fucking osm!!
by Garola April 17, 2009
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Like someone's Instagram photo from 48 weeks ago... OSM

Sitting on your bed masturbating and your mom walks in with laundry... OSM
by Thatguy10101 June 1, 2015
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You've just realized its your wedding anniversary,.. and you're sitting at the dinner table across your spouse.
You've just polished off a salad,.. and you realize your gold filling is gone.
You're gf/bf wanted you to download music for thier ipod,.. and you've accidently erased everything.. OSM!
by mshu July 7, 2013
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