The White Child Friendly Version Of NIGGER Mostly Said by the whitest Of Crackers
by NibbaFagot January 22, 2018
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Hen ur homies and I want to say nigga but don’t want to be racist it can also be said like NI🅱️🅱️A Wich is used for memes
Ur black friend: ur ma nigga
You: yeah ur me NIbba
by Urmumgnae May 17, 2019
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Synonym for Nigga.
Blood gangs use Nibba instead of Nigga.
EazyE: Y'all nigga dont scare me.
Suge: You know the fuck I am from? This is Bompton nibba
by rohit111 April 15, 2018
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Guy 1..Ayy my nibba u gud
Guy2.. Tf u say nibba
by Ur daily homeboi nibba October 18, 2018
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A white way of sayin nigga it's retarded so don't say it KNEEGROOW!
Your friends sends you a stupid image, you: Nibba..
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1. A word white people use instead of Nigga .
2. Somthing white people say when a friend does somthing stupid.
1. Nathan: tf ur hella tweaken bruh look at this nibba he is obviously checking her out
Chris: damn I'm bout to check that nibba

2. Jeremiah: wait so what's trump's last name?
White person: this nibba... its trump dumb fuck.
by That_1_cool_nibba_ April 29, 2019
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A white man who wants to say Nigga but is gay do they say nibba
by Jewishmanster February 13, 2019
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