When an individual doesn’t drink, but uses cocaine.
A: Why does Nick keep jingling his keys and going to the bathroom every 20 minutes?

B: Oh, he’s New York sober now.
by Bobbymcfartface69 September 17, 2022
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Like California Sober, except instead of only smoking weed, you only smoke cigarettes.
Jane: “Why is Joe standing outside of the bar chainsmoking? He hasn’t even gotten a beer, why’d he even come?”

Jim: “Oh yeah, he’s New York Sober.”
by LordPhilipMorris August 15, 2023
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When you drink and do coke, but not heroin.
Guy 1: "How's sobriety goin'?"
Michelle: "I'm New York Sober"
Guy 1: "What"
by veasman November 13, 2022
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