people who fucking the group that they stan
nctzens must the real bullies in this story.
by jaehyunbreathe October 22, 2020
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“you’re an nctzen” is a phrase kpop fans use when they’ve run out of insults
“i dislike chan because he mocked this is america

“you’re an nctzen though..”
by jamie tbh August 7, 2021
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A hard dedicated fanbase that will defend their faves no matter what. They create funny memes and are a meme. They belong to the group NCT.
Nctzen: “hey do you listen to nct?”
sageinctrl: “ew no, they're wack!”
Nctzen: “bitch you’re wack, ugly ass hoe
by taeilsockz July 10, 2024
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