The sexuality in which one is only attracted to BTS member Kim Namjoon, also known as Rm.
Person A: What's your sexuality?

Person B: I'm namjoonsexual, I'm only attracted to Namjoon.
by namjoons hoe September 26, 2020
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The one only got attract with namjoon only
Hiii are you single ?
No I m not I m namjoonsexual
by Kalaijk October 1, 2020
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being attracted to one of the most handsome, hardworking and smartest man alive
Person 1~ I think I am Namjoonsexual
Person 2~ Everyone is, I am yoongisexual btw
by RemyBaguette September 17, 2020
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Namjoonsexual is the attraction to one of the most gorgeous and talented creatures to ever walk this planet, Kim Namjoon.
person 1 - wanna go on a blind date
person 2 - i can’t i’m namjoonsexual sorry
by jungkook (real) October 12, 2020
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