A small wine vine-growing town in the North Bay area.

The population is about 50-50 whites to other ethnic groups. It's NOT 92% white, not even close, so M. Du, shut up.

At the junior college, whites are a minority. I live here, I know this.

And we like being called Napkins, it's a funny term we enjoy. Nap-kins. Yessss.

We also have a state hospital to get locked up in if we're naughty.

There is NOTHING to do in this town. We're bored out of out minds. Seriously.

..and we don't hate surrounding towns.

If you're a tourist and you come to visit - drive the speed limit. Nothing gets people crazier than being behind drivers going 30 in a 45 zone.
Let's do something.

Ok, but lets get out of Napa.

by Jared's imagination June 23, 2005
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a town that is going downhill really fast these days, what with all of the yuppie fucks moving here and ugly buildings going up.
soulless yuppie fuck: i'm buying a house in napa because it's a trendy address to have these days
by johnny288 March 21, 2007
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A town north of San Francisco famous for its wine industry. Terrible place for teenagers to live.
Friend: Wanna go up to Napa this week?
Friend 2: I have a friend who lives up there, it sucks.
by martyelmo February 4, 2017
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Need Another Part Already
A joke about Napa Auto Part stores
by horsefly October 10, 2005
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Often refered to as "Doing a napa".

Correcting a mIRC script to the Nth degree, perfecting it with stupidly complicated methods which are most likely practical, but no-body understands.
Jim: What the hell is this script all about?
Jimbob: Looks like someone has done a napa on it ..
by Jonesy44 July 11, 2008
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