This is a unisex African name defined as a bright colour. He or she loves evidence and believes in love, even if he or she is scared to get hurt or attached. He or she is a very open minded person and loves to dominate things in her life. He or she easily solves situations and loves to be free and honest with others. He or she is a bold type. When you meet Mutune, he or she will never disappoint. Although Mutune can mess alot and mostly is not a good listener, he or she will make you the happiest person you'll ever meet. He or she is a rare breed and also charming. Mutune is a very attractive person who loves to eat food and prefers the hype of life and it's risks. Be glad to have a Mutune in your life.
Hi? This is Mutune. Ive met her today.
by November 22, 2021
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