
A female camel, commonly found with 2 humps in the Sahara desert. often has a fell similar to burned rubber and greasy skin to reflect the hot sun.
That Murray has two humps!
by Agdu2639 February 20, 2019
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When a guy puts his knob up someone's butt crack...
Go murray a whore....
by UFFEREDUZZI September 21, 2017
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Someone that distances themselves from other people; such as the kid who sits alone at the lunch table.
That kid over there is such a murray!
If I were a murray I would honestly kill myself!
by Friskie July 15, 2017
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someone (mostly a boomer) that doesn’t get dark humor
Knock Knock

Who's there?

It's the police, ma'am. Your son
has been hit by a drunk driver.
He's dead.

that’s not funny.
by fcksociety4206942069 July 20, 2020
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An Australian slang term to describe the scrotum.

by HallMonitor August 18, 2023
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king Murray

A Man so strong that god must have sculpted him him/herself. A man so loyal, to befriend him is to befriend god him/herself. This man is the only one that deserves to be with the goddess Jessica. This man is so humble you wouldn’t even know know it’s him. He will walk with you, sing with you, and cry with you if you need it. He is the kindest man you will meet and will make you laugh so much. He loves puns, Dad jokes and any other joke. He is known for his wonderful smile and charming heart. Strategically he is a genius so do not challenge him. To war with his Kingdom is to wage war with god. King Murray will never let you down and will always hold you up. There is only one in the world at any given time as two would be catastrophic for humanity. He is love, he is strength and he is Man.
Sean: Have you seen that guy over there helping that person with heavy things?

Derek: yeah that’s a King Murray right there.
by KidsoftheKing July 22, 2022
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Murray peters

A blonde cool trapper. Sells carts and hella weed
Yo bro do you wanna get geeked? Hell yeah! Let’s call Murray Peters!
by Jabeley February 14, 2024
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