A party where a normal sized people get a bunch of midgets and beat them up and throw them around everywhere.
Me and Connor had a Midget Party and beat up some midgets.
by hobo4rizzle February 8, 2009
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cacophemism for a 'little' get t ogether
He: Are you going to the Midget Party tonight?
She: That's un-PC & offensive!
He: Ok, we're having a little get together later, you in?
by cyberpope67,BC,Canada October 9, 2015
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A midget that one brings to raucous, frat-like parties in order to entertain large crowds with its novelty value.
"Man, I can't believe Jason brought the party midget to Downtime! This place is totally bumpin' now!"
by Hernando Potér August 25, 2005
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