Latin for "Remember you must die" "Remember you will die" or "Remember your mortality"
Respice post te! Hominem te esse memento! Memento mori!
by AWhoSoEver January 23, 2013
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1. Crazy latin literary/art term for a reminder of death. Memento Mori is often seen in 17th century Dutch paintings.

2. The names of two of the best megawads ever created for DooM II.
1. If you look at that painting sideways, you'll see a memento mori.

2. After spending a week beating the expertly-crafted levels of Memento Mori II, I was blown away. Every other DooM WAD that followed was bland.
by aleclair February 26, 2006
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TNT-Memento Mori is a crew a RDR2 that supports a pedophile. The TNT part is an abbreviation for Trash n Terrible. Owner of the crew is TNT-MIKKIM_, but he hides like a pussy on alternate accounts.
TNT Memento Mori gets their ass kicked on RDR2 by other crews.
TNT Memento Mori gets slaughtered by Murphy’s Law and hides in the lobby from ML (Murphy’s Law)
by TNT-MIKKIM_ May 8, 2022
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Memento mori is remember death from Latin to English and a greeting from the the game death by daylight
by YourLocalTvRemote June 6, 2020
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