Meeca is a loving ,fun ,goofy,sophisticated,professional and amazing girl.She is steadfast in her abilities but often doubts her true capabilities.Meeca is very misunderstood,and is a natural loner.Meeca is a beautiful girl with fire in her eyes and loves dreaming about her future.

Meeca is the most perfect girl you could know.If ever you come across a Meeca.Treasure her heart and seal her secrets,for they are pure and true.
Meeca is very beautiful and has a perfect personality.
by Ahkiannah November 22, 2021
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Meeca is an amazing girl ,with a wonderful personality.She is goofy,fun-loving and very sophisticated.She loves order and beauty.Meeca has a fascinating attraction to glitter and art.She has a pure heart of gold.

She is future-orientated and knows what she wants.She doesn’t accept hand-outs ,and this may come across as or be mistaken for pride.She is often misunderstood and is manier times confused and needs guidance.If ever you come across a Meeca,don’t hurt her.Treasure her heart and seal her secrets with all your love.She is a keeper
Meeca is a perfect girl
by Ahkiannah November 22, 2021
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the name of a female who cannot catch feelings for anybody and will break one’s heart. she a fcken PIMP. loves to go out and catch a drink
tyla: “yo, that girl Meeca’s such a baddie imma slide
chad: “only if you dont want somewhere deep, she hates that-only does a fuck and leave”
by avocadoricecakesandchiliflakes November 21, 2021
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