Person responsible for committing crimes such as drug dealing, murders, kidnappings, among other unlawful acts, all to show the wheel bearing area
Mr.Culture, is a real malandro
by K Lion June 27, 2020
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A common figure in Brazilian culture, the «malandro» is a laid back bad-boy, appreciated as a folk hero of some sort. The football-samba-petty crime type of figure.

The act of being a «malandro», «malandragem», is characterised in the Brazilian popular imagination as a tool for individual justice. Facing the forces of oppressive institutions, the individualist malandro survives by manipulating people, fooling authorities, and sidestepping laws in a way which guarantees his well-being. In this way, the malandro is a typical Brazilian hero. Literary examples include Pedro Malasarte and João Grilo; with a good example of non-Brazilian character being Jimmy McGill.

But the malicious and corner-cutting figure of the malandro does not mean one would be selfish, careless towards others. A malandro doesn't use malandragem to take advantage of another person intending to harm others, but rather only to find a way out of an unfair situation even if this means resorting to illegal methods.
"My daughter, don't you go sweet on that malandro! He's a good-for-nothing!"
by voxdantesque November 14, 2020
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Person responsible for committing crimes such as drug dealing, murders, kidnappings, among other unlawful acts, all to show the wheel bearing area
Vacilandou is very malandro
by vacilandou June 30, 2014
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A common figure in Brazilian culture, the «malandro» is laid back bad-boy, appreciated as a folk hero of some sort. The football-samba-petty crime type of

The act of being a «malandro», «malandragem», is characterised in the Brazilian popular imagination as a tool for individual justice. Facing the forces of oppressive institutions, the individualist malandro survives by manipulating people, fooling authorities, and sidestepping laws in a way which guarantees his well-being. In this way, the malandro is a typical Brazilian hero. Literary examples include Pedro Malasarte and João Grilo; with a good example of non-Brazilian character being Jimmy McGill.

But the malicious and corner-cutting figure of the malandro does not mean one would be selfish, careless towards others. A malandro doesn’t use malandragem to take advantage of another person intending to harm others, but rather only to find a way out of an unfair situation even if this means resorting to illegal methods.
"My daughter, don't you go sweet on that malandro! He's a good-for-nothing!"
by voxdantesque November 14, 2020
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A hot ass anime woman who is v hot and does hot people things.
michiko malandro is so hot.
by candyraer February 2, 2022
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