Sir names of Malayalees from Kerala(India)

Menons served their king as commanders, administrative officers, ministers etc. and have given birth to many important personalities of Kerala. The royal families of Cochin and south Malabar marry only from Menon families. The Paliam Menon family were among the chief nobles of Cochin, only second to the Cochin Royal Family besides being blood related.
by Shiznick April 8, 2008
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The most beautiful and fantastic person you've ever met. Typically not very short and has the best personality out there. Vibha menons either have a cat and a dog or none.
Damn, my girlfriend is vibha menon!
by NotAhaan July 30, 2023
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10 faced snake with a perm
I met a Pranav Menon the other day, he told me French bread and biscotti are hard asl
by French bread supporters December 1, 2021
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Is something you would call a common royalty.A normal person who exudes qualities and charisma of a king or a ruler with just mind and sense
He is such a Prabhu Menon, we can't help but admire him in many ways
by AngelousCalisto March 3, 2009
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When a female masturbates with a sharp end of a steak knife
That bitch filet menoned her pussy with a steak knife.
by BadAshMF November 14, 2020
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Getting drunk and ramming into an SUV
She has a broken hand from Menoning last night
by TheBiggerDog July 30, 2019
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