When the the 2 people, Patrick and Maggie find their true love for each other
Evan: Omg, Patrick and maggie are SO cute together!!!
Grace: They really are.

Both: Matrick for life!!!
by 7oranges January 3, 2018
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the ship name of maggie and patrick is simply "MATRICK" if your name is maggie and you know someone named patrick (or vice versa) u NEED to get together. You also need friends to support you guys.

Evan: Matrick is sooo meant to be

Patrick: I know right I love maggie so matrick just makes sense!
by jenniferhudson 4 realz December 16, 2017
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this ship name is perfect for any maggie and patrick you know. when you find these two, they are always perfect for each other and have eternal love.
"Matrick? Oh, I know that ship! Every Matrick should get together!"
by lotto11 December 18, 2017
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