by Not a little boi March 23, 2018
Ugh, Little boi, don't even.
by Its.Yer.Boi February 17, 2018
by Osama Bin Laden15 October 22, 2019
A word used to describe someone who is a very little. You can pick them out of a crowd and you just know how little they are just by looking at them. Most common known as a Ray.
by LittleBitOfThis October 31, 2018
by Ian22 December 5, 2006
You see, many males are closeted homosexuals. When they find themselves attracted to stick thin girls with a little boy figure it is because they subconsciously want to have sex with a man.
by Gmoney66 May 10, 2008
When your partner(usually a woman) talks down(usually in a condescending tone) to you as a parent would do. Very common in marriages of 3 years or more. If this occurs prior to marriage, run!
After Denise called Louis three times without response, she loudly little-boyed him getting his prompt and obedient attention.
by Whippedboy May 17, 2006