When your eye liner isn't identical on both sides so it's like the lines are sisters, rather than twins as they should be.
"We all have to put up with sister liner sometimes, they can't always be twins youknowwhatimsaying" said the annoying YouTube beauty guru.
by LawSuitUp December 5, 2015
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a shirt you own but only ever wear under a sweatshirt because you wouldn't want to be caught dead wearing it. every time you see it, you question why you even own it.
I bought that meme shirt at Hot Topic a year ago but it only ever comes out of my dresser in the winter. It's just another sweatshirt liner at this point.
by hashtag_hashtag September 28, 2020
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When the douchecanoe is no longer big enough to hold the amount of douchery that the douchebag exudes, said douche needs a larger boat, (a large ocean-going vessel) to carry the douchedom to other parts of the world. The douche-o-liner makes stops at doucheport, the isle of douche, the kingdom of douche, douchebag strait, and many other douchey ports-of-call.
My ex is the Captain of the S.S. Douche Liner, it's nothing but drama and trouble with him.
by smartass76 November 8, 2014
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Someone with a gambling addiction - derived from the name of the Australian gambling support line "G-line".
"Mike's such a G-liner, he blew 400 bucks in a pokie last night."
by Cpt Smooth June 26, 2008
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A big passenger ship made to be used for transporting people from one place to another ocean liners like rms titanic and her sister ships or Lusitania or the same America are famous for their sinkings.
I’m going on an ocean liner for vacation tomorrow wanna come?
by Animal lover 2011 September 3, 2022
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A derogatory term for an athlete on a team sport not reaching his/her potential
Larryoh Larry …. He tries, but really he is just a third liner.
by Third Coach April 2, 2023
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The phenomenon where at a party, the most attractive bird is invariably accompanied by her equally hideous mate.
Blimey! She's a beauty but oh my days, what the hell is that monstrosity?
by Ted Hamer June 22, 2004
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