Lilliy is the most beautiful girl your ever going to meet she is such an understandable girl, When your sad always count on Lilliy to boost you back up, she is a very caring girl and knows she is bad bleep! You can always count on Lilliy!
by Ry08 December 15, 2020
Very strong willed and like no other person you will ever meet. Short tempered but caring. Stubborn but will do anything for a loved one.
by Lil' strong arm May 31, 2019
The most amazing girl you'll ever meet, really funny, cute, and caring. You can always count on her to make you happy. And she has beautiful eyes and pretty hair
Lilliy is so amazing
by Ahhhhy123 September 20, 2023
Lilliy is such an amazing girl, you can always count on her when you need her. She is a beautiful girl and knows how to get you excited or happy!
by Ry08 December 15, 2020