A warm hearted person. With a bright soul that will light up your day! She’s Beautiful, Funny and a best friend! No matter what i will always be best friends with her! From - Kyla Miller
Girl 1 : Whose that girl? With the bright laugh and beautiful black hair?

Girl 2: Its Lexandria the best friend of the school!
by - Kyla Miller January 10, 2018
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With a charming beautiful name and brightly attitude. She can lighten your day with a smile! She loves everyone and is a Kpop lover! She might be shy , but when you get to know her shes fun to be around! I am glad to be her best friend 😊
Girl 1: Whose the girl with the perfect smile?

Girl 2: Thats Lexandria shes a very good friend 😃
by - Kyla Miller January 10, 2018
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