Songsby LDR is my life
by Moon b September 22, 2020
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Light Dependent Resistor; resistor whose value is dependent of light that it absorbs
A: how do you make a lamp that will turn off when there is no light?
B: just use LDR
by Buah-buahan December 18, 2017
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LDR stands for Long-Distance Relationship more like........ when you are Wadee and Samar.
Wadee: hopefully I can touch her hands at least.
A friend: Then why you waiting?
Wadee: No we are having LDR.
A friend: One day you will.
*Note*--- Wadee loves Samar so much and yep I know no one cares :)
by WFAR August 24, 2019
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1. Light Dependent Resistor
A circuit component that applies resistance in relation to the light surrounding it

2. Lana Del Rey
person 1: "I'm gonna use a ldr in my automatic light circuit."
person 2: "How can you use Lana Del Rey in a circuit?!!"
person 1: "No, a Light dependent resistor, the circuit component, have some initiative."
by urbandictator_4444444 March 19, 2023
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Person 1: Have you seen how fucking hot LDR is?
Person 2: Who's LDR?
Person 1: Lana Del Rey
Person 2: Fuck yeah, she's hot.
by adfgfdkhemdkeoiheher June 29, 2012
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