Kimberlin is Strong and mostly independent, she will be able to make her own decisions and her own plans; and is able to go out alone and enjoy her own time. However She can also be a follower and mimic the people around most to find comfort and steady responsiveness from people around, but not because she is narcissistic. Kimberlin can bring anybody joy and peace, she will light up a room. She has a fit/petite figure and a great ass ha ha. Usually blonde but changes sometimes, blue eyes to die for. Usually without a tan and freckles in all the right places. Kimberlin is around 5'5"-5'7" typically and can be seen finding a stool or step ladder to reach high places and will always bring a laugh when she needs to jump for things. Kimberlin knows how to find your love language. She is full of energy and ready to do most anything. She can be sexy and sultry. Kimberlin can also be jealous and demanding, you may find that she wants all of your attention sometimes and then none at all others. She can manipulate you into doing what she wants or getting the result she needs. Kimberlin can be annoying with how she treats others around you or even you around others. Kimberlin can be very angry but it does not suit her ever. She may yell or scream but ends up with tears in her eyes as if her soul never wanted that feeling to come out. But more than anything kimberlin is compassionate and carring. When she loves she loves BIG and doesnt stop. She is Beautiful in mind, body, and soul.
Man 1- "Wow that girl in the red dress looked so amazing!"

Man 2- "Didn't she?" "Her name is Kimberlin and ive known her for a long time"
Man 1- "do you think i could get her number?"
Man 2- "Go and find out bud"
by The first Ethen October 30, 2021
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Name for anyone not living on Portland, UK.
Did you see those Kimberlin's from Weymouth trying to steal our sailing academy?
by toastybaby June 12, 2010
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Small chick with tig ol bitties. blonde hair. likes the little king. really nice, prety, funny, wierd, stoner, light weight, basically the coolest chick ever. likes to cuss alot. always says dirty bloody cunt bubble.
Kimberlin likes little boys.
by Purpleniggas November 22, 2012
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A boy with a small penis, very skinny but with an extremely large nose. He wears blush and eyeliner as well as wearing a hat inside. He is still in kids sized clothes and doesn’t know the name of the jersey he is wearing. He loves blocking his friends on Snapchat! Also, he a simp
by Shhdhs February 5, 2020
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