1) A person that’s truly one of a kind. Can’t compare to nor is similar to anyone else. A trailblazer by nature, independent and notably confident, sarcastic AF, attracts wealth even when they’re not chasing it. In essence, royalty at it’s finest, rarest and most opulent.

2) “Ka Ona” is a unique and rare Setswana name which means, “ Through God.”
1) If the standard is not of Kaona, then it shouldn’t even be mentioned in my presence

2) S/he is Kaona.
by Miss Kay wa nnete! November 22, 2021
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Everyone's gaze is drawn to her stunning features. One of the finest aspects of being her is her personality. She's a joy to be around and enjoys spending time with her family and friends. Because she's a social butterfly, she just wants everyone to feel more comfortable around her. Although she is introverted in other ways, such as when she wants to be alone or with herself since she enjoys self-meditation. Every aspect of our lives is essential to her, thus she strives for stability in all areas of her life.
by wuvu November 22, 2021
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