derivative of the term "cashed"

1. when the marijuana in a certain "consumption receptacle" has been reduced/burnt to ash.

2. one being physically or mentally exhausted.
Jamaal: bro you get a hit off that?
Winston: naah man. its K money.
by hood rich productions December 3, 2009
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One fly-ass chicka hailing from the Midwest
Yo, k-money, keep holding it down for the playas in Ohio, yo!
by K$ November 29, 2004
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when someone is a convicted sex offender and says things like “wiggity wack dawg” ; usually someone with a receding hairline
Person 1: Hey bro why are you wearing that hat

Person 2: What my fedora bro ?

Person 1: Yea bro you you look like a total k-money bro
by Gay Camel November 12, 2019
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The act of ejaculating into a coffee cup and proceeding to dump it on the nearest Chihauha or Pomeranian.
"Hey i just got back from k money dangling"
"No way bro, Why didnt u call me?"
"cuz i only k money dangle by myself"
by Mohlestator September 10, 2009
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A name nickname for the most beautiful woman on earth. Nice ass, pretty face, cute tats and smarter than you. She's not to be played with. Treasure her because she's rarer than any resource on earth, one of a kind and all types of fine.
Damn baby you looking like K-Money, can I get some of your Honey
by WCCTWDTOWN December 9, 2020
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