A sack, and or bowl of Marijuana that isn't enough to be sold for five dollars. It typically ranges in size the smallest being one hit, and the majority being five hits. When around a group of friends of five or less a Joel Bowl will go around once if lucky. A friend earns the name by being a habitual offender of such cases. They will match you less of what you put in. BEWARE OF THAT FRIEND
"-Yo, Joel! Want to match?
--Yeah but i only have a bowl!
*pulls out tiny nug*
-Get out of here with that Joel Bowl!"
by LandoOnTop December 1, 2012
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A type of oral sex. When two people are smoking weed together while one is giving the other a blowjob in between hits.
I got a Billy Joel Bowl at the party last night and it was freakin' awesome!
by BellaDonna713 August 29, 2017
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