The best guy some one could ever meet he is super attractive , intelligent, sexy, hot and more. He gets so many girls and is a really fun character. He is also loving and falls in love too quickly, but still generally cares about everyone he meets
wow, that jeyson guy sure is fine!
by classythoughts October 5, 2014
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Jeyson is the largest guy you have ever seen. It's physically impossible not to see him. He is everywhere and nowhere. He is the alpha and the omega. He's not God, if that's what you're thinking. He's just large. And wide. Large and wide. He is the concept of mass itself. You cannot get his image out of your head. No matter how hard you try. Just accept his almighty size. That's all you can do.
Person 1: *Looks through telescope*
Person 2: What do you see?
Person 1: Jeyson.
Person 2: What else?
Person 1: Nothing else. He's all I can see.
by laffyhaffy September 1, 2019
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