The people you see wandering the streets telling you that you need to "be saved by god" or "You're going to hell." A Step above a regular Jehovah's Witness because these people practically live on the street. They even look ragged. Watch out for the JeHobo's (Witnesses)
*While Driving, a JeHobo approaches vehicle at stoplight*
No mr. JeHobo, I do not want to be saved by your god. Now please take a bath and have a nice day
by ProfSage91 August 4, 2011
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Don't answer the door honey, I just saw some Jehobo's, 3 doors down.
by Caribsailor September 25, 2011
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A Jehova's Witness that lives on the streets. Still as annoying as your regular Jehova Witness, but lacking hygiene and often addicted to crystal meth. Will ask you first to convert, then for your spare change.
The other day a Jehobo Witness approached me. He smelled like gasoline, and Jesus.
by Matthew Miner October 13, 2007
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