
Jazzlyn is a great girl who is just trying to give no fucks and is not afraid to fight a bitch
Jazzlyn is great
by Happy bird January 13, 2019
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Jazzlyn is the type of girl who would make you stare as soon as she walks in the room. She’s funny, kind, and would do anything for her friends/lover.

When dating her, she will give you love and affection. But at times she might treat you like a stranger. But distance to her means space. Don’t get it mixed with breaking up though. She’s very independent and responsible at times, but at others she can be a baddie.
Woah, who’s that girl 🥴

Oh that’s *Jazzlyn*

DAMN! She’s hot

by guRl.01010 October 28, 2020
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Jazzlyn is the type of girl who would make you stare as soon as she walks in the room. She’s funny, kind, and would do anything for her friends/lover.

When dating her, she will give you love and affection. But at times she might treat you like a stranger. But distance to her means space. Don’t get it mixed with breaking up though. She’s very independent and responsible at times, but at others she can be a baddie.
Woah, who’s that girl 🥴

Oh that’s *Jazzlyn*

DAMN! She’s hot

by guRl.01010 October 28, 2020
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Most fattest juiciest coochie ever I just wanna suck the cum out of it 🤤🤤🤤 and lick it until we fuck and I lose my virginity 🥴🥴
“Hey jazzlyn can I suck your coochie
by Puffpuppie June 25, 2020
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A girl who thinks she's so pretty, rich and own the universe.
Ugh, Why does Jazzlyn have to be like that!?
Jazzlyn on the other side of the room: I can attract all the boys because I got excepted for a beauty pageant.
by Yuri Plesetski May 8, 2018
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A girl whos fine asf , a girl who gets all the boys , come now all the boys drool over her. Everytime she walks in the room all heads turn. Has great friends , funny as hell but dont put up with no mess. Loves to eat. She'll put you on the spot. She bad , in fact the baddest in the game.

Everyone needs a jazzlyn.
Man just wait till you meet jazzlyn , she bad as hell
by Pettyqueen98 March 14, 2017
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A great friend that you can trust, just not with secrets cause shes gonna tell people 😂 shes beautiful and hilarious,popular, smart, great with kids and can make you smile no matter what. When you find a jazzlyne, you better keep her cause their hard to find
"Who are you going to the dance with?"
"Jazzlyne?! You lucky bastard!"
by besfrend January 2, 2014
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