A very attractive older female of an oriental genotype.
Person 1: Yo B-rad, check out that extremely attractive older female who has roots in the far east of Asia!
Person 2: Smithy, that's not very PC, they are called Japanthers
Person 1: Thanks for the DL B-rad.
Person 2: Knowing is half the battle.
by Batraj November 17, 2010
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A BAND hailing from brooklyn, New York;not a feline, or asian. But a very good, extremely different style of music. These guys know what they doin, singing into telephone recievers and using fun noises on tape recorders. Live shows are really the only way to fully experience the humbling event. look them up and buy an album, you will never look at music the same way again.
Poser:yo dawg I love drum and bass bands

music savy nerd: You don't know shit unless its japanther!
by needsadaymom March 23, 2007
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Japanese werepather
Don't forget to wear your moonscreen tonight; it's a full moon and the japanthers are out tonight.
by KKhaki November 30, 2012
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A sleek sexy attractive wise elder man of Asian decent. Can be related to cougar or fox definitions only a japanther is clearly a Japanese dude. "Meowzers look a that japanther who just strolled into the Kung fu house" "Jackie chan got nothin on this ninja japanther" keemoosabie
by Franklyidaho potatoketchup February 9, 2016
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