If ur someone obsessed with japanese culture or anything that has to do with japan then ur a japanophile.But,it dose'nt mean that u r a looser or a reject,watch anime every day,have friends that r only japanophiles etc.U can have allot of friends and not be reject or a looser and still be a japanophile,get my point?People often tend to think that a japanophile is somekind of reject who has a room filled with anime posters and accesories and also wears anime clothes...but that's not true!!!That person should be treated like any other person the difference is that he/she has different tastes...that's all!!!
chater n.1:dude,i got a cool anime poster for my room!!!

chater n.2:ur such a japanophile...
by sio900 October 9, 2010
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One who praises Japan. A japanophile might listen to Japanese music, enjoy anime, surf 4chan, and maybe even have a fetish for hentai.
For example, me. I do everything listed above, and more.
1: I call myself 'Hand Hanzo' as a hip-hop recording name and street alias. Hanzo is a Japanese name.
2: I love anime and have a hentai fetish myself. I'm especially a big fan of yaoi.
3: I love Japanese music, my favorite band is L'Arc~en~Ciel, a pop-rock band that sounds WAY better than any band in America. Seriously, they fucking rule.
4: I am a resident of the 4chan imageboards, usually /b/, the Random board.
5: I wish to one day go to Japan, and see it all for myself. The dope ass bands, the yaoi, the penis festivals, everything.
by Hand Hanzo August 26, 2005
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someone who is so obsessed with Japan (including all of which that is related to Japan) that wont do anything unless it is related to Japan
by matt sinanananana May 4, 2007
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Some motherfucker who likes that lolicon shit where you got 5 year old anime girls doing some creepy ass sex shit, could contain incest, I don't wanna fucking know but you gotta beat this persons ass if you see one.
Hey, my mate Jomy Shoji is a right japanophile.
by Weeb Slayer April 9, 2018
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As the definition of phile stands for being overly afond of something, a Japanophile therefore has a special fondness for Japanese, regardless of the topic, which might be everything ranging from sexual orientation to its culture or larguage.
D1: Damn bro, you're such a japanophile.
D2: Haha, what can I say? I love my japanese chicks.
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one who especially admires and likes Japan or Japanese ways.
those weebs are also called japanophiles.
by DarkKingPegasus February 6, 2021
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