Pronounced- in-fuh-nit or less commonly in-fahy-nahyt
Term commonly used in mathmatics to be the opossite of 'finite' the mathmatical term for a set of number having an end. 'Infinite' is not its own word but simply the term 'Finite' with the prefix 'in-'.
It is a data set with no end.
This data set is infinite.
or I can not lose for i have infinite lives, muwahaha
by Lil Z 2269 May 19, 2008
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Something that goes on forever and ever. Represented by ?‡. See also Infinity.
by Saiyara December 30, 2004
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A word that causes an 'infinite' number of paradox's.
An archer shooting his bow. The arrow flies in an arch. How many points mathmatically are in an arch? An infinite number. How can the arrow go through an infinite number of points and then stop? It can't. Yet it does. ...
by Rasha345 April 26, 2011
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1.Having a shit load of something.
2.Somthing being very long.
3.Very Much
That dude has INFINITE beers.
Fuck, that Road is INFINITE long.
Man you are INFINITE stupid.
by MetalFuckingMaster March 15, 2004
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An individual prone to getting absolutely slapped in UT2k3 by anyone with average timing and/or aim. Prior to losing, would often make an excuse or two for the embarassing aftermath. An "infinite" could be commonly labaled as a wanker, dickhead, cocksucker, loser etc.
person a: FFS
person a: BS
person a has left the game.
ownz0r: wow, he just did an infinite.
by 0wnz0r June 30, 2003
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