Indie kids are just kids (normally teens) that love art and music. There is no real dress code. Some like to dress well and others dont give a fuck. We like the music we like because indie music actually has feeling. We are not all that shy, we are all DIFFERENT, thats what indie is about, you are different. And not in a nobody-understands-me sort of way. We just like different things, Non-mainstream more than anything. Not because we WANT to stand out because believe me, of that I´m sure, real "indie kids" dont TRY to stand out, we just don´t go with the flow (and not all of us stand out). We are not all bursting with happiness, we are not mad at emos, we are not dirty hippies, we are who we are and we try to accept others, mainstream or not because we want acceptance ourselves.

There is no physical style, we just see differently and LOVE a type of music that maybe not everybody knows about or likes. We are just teens struggling through the same things every other teen struggles with, trying to feel free from any tendency, trying to have fun in the meanwhile and enjoy the beauty in this measy world.

And by the way, we do like some mainstream music.
random kid: Do I look Indie?
Indie kid: No
random kid: Why?
indie kid: You can´t look indie. You simply are indie or not.
random kid: You suck
indie kid: Thanks.
by Melo loves oreos December 2, 2013
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the coolest kids at your school. but you don't know them because they are too indie. They are the kids who constantly have headphones in there ears and even though the teacher tells them to take them out. Indie kids have the most rockin' style, it's not too G, or to trashy it's perfect because it's simple and they don't go around reppin' all the big name brands.
that kid has headphones in, he must be an indie kid
by DarthMaul-ABBA-pikachu-Gamer August 10, 2010
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This is just an opinion. Some people have these characteristics but aren't indie. A label isn't who you are, but puts you in a group if the population needs to be sorted based on culture.
Indie Kids are the witty, sarcastic, creative minded thinkers who listen to music that is not on the top 40 or on any radio station. Their way of thinking is different and anyone who isn't as deep as them probably will not understand them.
Indie Kids aren't robots, they have different personalities.
Indie boys usually wear cardigans or sweaters to keep warm, becuase of little body fat. They wear beanies, not because they look cool (most of the time), but because they usually just roll out of bed. They tend to wear moccasins, because well, it's a trend. Though they "don't follow trends," they still are human and following trends is human.
Indie girls usually wear stylish clothing, that resemble 60's hippies, but they shave their legs and arm pitts.
The Indie are very deep people, who appreciate memoirs, and non fictions. They like dry humored movies that most haven't seen, as well as documentaries.
Indie kid's probably don't even know they are, they just fall under this label, since Indie is a music genre, and music is such a big role in peoples lives, it became a steriotype.
I am an innocent bystander, and I don't think I am an indie, but who knows (see above), I just happen to know how they are because of my art school I attend, and my lovely indie boyfriend.
None Indie: "Ouch, what did I trust trip on?"
Indie Kid: "Sorry, let me move my vinal records"

None Indie: "I love Owen Wilson! He's so great."
Indie Kid: "Yeah, he did really well in the Darjeeling Limited"

None Indie: "What's that whistle noise?!"
Indie Kid: "Oh, it's ready. Would you like some hot tea?"

None Indie: "What do you consider a romantic date?"
Indie Kid: "A trip to the art museum, then taking the bus to my favorite diner."

None Indie: "I thought you were giving me a mix CD?"
Indie Kid: "I did say a mix tape."
None Indie: "I didn't think you literally meant TAPE."

None Indie: "So, what's your favorite color?"
Indie Kid: "I can't choose, there are so many beautiful colors in the world, saying just one would open up an even broader category, that's an unfair question."
None Indie: "So... your favorite color is?"
by observationist18 July 22, 2010
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To my understanding an indie kid is someone who is not afraid to show their individuality. Generally, they dress in vintage or thrift store clothing, wear moccasins, or really anything that isn't quite main stream.

They also listen to mainly music that is classified under "indie rock" or "alternative". Typically signed by an independent music label.

Some bands that they commonly listen to are Death Cab For Cutie( a band popular amongst others that aren't indie), Of Montreal, Little Man Tate, Bromheads Jacket, Mumm-Ra, ect.

Though, that is not the only music they listen to, and usually they aren't completely against large labels despite the fact that many people like to make it seem this way.

Don't confuse a true indie kid with a poser or hipster (if that is what you prefer to refer to them as)

Hipsters like to advertise their individuality by going against anything completely main stream
Indie Kid: Wow! I really love Milburn, don't you?

Hipster: Yeah, they are so indie and different! Not like that crap that Katy Perry tries to sell.

Indie Kid: Uhmm... Okay, I kinda enjoy Katy Perry as well.

Hipster: Well, her music is the same as everyone else's! You're not a real indie kid!

Indie Kid: Alright then.
by Just For Show January 19, 2011
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Someone who isn't into most of the trends, but won't ostracize you for liking mainstream stuff. Are not hipsters, who are douches about blabbering on about the countless bands they can name. Rather, indie kids like counterculture stuff, but aren't vicious and venomous like punk kids or emos.
Indie Kid: "Did you hear the Nightbirds latest album?"
Normal Kid: "Um, who?"
Indie Kid: "Oh, there just a band I like. You should give em' a listen sometime. You might like them."
by Mr_WongDong May 18, 2015
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An Indie kid is a middle schooler or high schooler who is an intellectual, deep person who can appreciate art and other things that others may not. And because of this the kid is misunderstood and probably not popular. The word Indie in this context refers to Indie music which is defined by being thought provoking and intelligent but don't be fooled indie is a form of rock and often has electronic influence. Indie kids are most often artistic in one way or another. Wether it be music, drawing, painting or some other form. The Indie kid probably wears dark clothes converse shoes (aka chucks). But the indie kid really does not care what others think of his cloths. At this point you may be getting the Indie Kid Confused with hipsters. The main differences are age(hipsters are between 20 and 30). The other is fashion Hipsters are a lot more vintage with there style. Indies ware converse shoes to but don't let this confuse you. INDIE KIDS ARE A LOT LESS FASHION OBSESSED THAN HIPSTERS ANT INDIES PROBABLY DONT GIVE A SHIT.
Pop kid: Hey do you listen to Katy Perry
Hipster: Eww She Sucks I HAte HER
Indie kid: Yeah I dont like her either. I really don't pop music, but i see why people can get into it. I don't Know just not for me.
by INDIEKID123 June 12, 2011
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ok so i know there are heaps of definitions on here but they're not all true.

maybe indie kids are interested in indie/alternative music because the lyrics and the songs are more meaningful or they just like them more. but that doesn't mean they spend the whole day online looking for unknown bands

a lot DO wear vintage clothes/acid wash jeans/headbands/... but not ALL.
i'm not saying that if you do you're just fake
but if you don't it doesn't mean you're not indie

being indie is more about appreciating the music and being yourself. not caring what other people think.
and indie kids generally don't like people who are trying to be indie because it's becoming "cool"
you can see the difference between a real indie kid who's just being themselves and a wannabe
wannabe indie kid: oh my gosh one of my indie friends sent me a really awesome song last night.
indie kid: cool. who's it by?
wannabe indie kid: this band.. called franz ferdinand or something?
indie kid: that's not indie you know. that's just a mainstream pop song that was given the label of indie by the record company
wannabe indie kid: what do you listen to then??
indie kid: umm.. bonaparte, auletta, black kids, late of the pier,...
wannabe indie kid: ...?
by indiemink June 29, 2009
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