The ability to maintain a façade of competence, the surface of which, once penetrated, reveals the individual actually has little to no understanding of the tasks in which they have been placed in control of. This type of employee is of particular concern as their incompetence may not be discovered until they have left the organization.
John excelled at functional incompetence because he seemed to know what he was doing until an audit showed he fabricated all his reports.
by Tamara101972 February 11, 2016
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When you are dumb and don’t even know you are dumb.
That new kid is unconsciously incompetent to racing cars. It’s his first time driving and he thinks he’s Lewis Hamilton.
by duckbutt23 September 5, 2021
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A descriptive phrase used to indicate that an organization is comprised of people who, as a collective, are entirely incapable of getting anything done that they set out to do because as a whole, they are completely incompetent.
I’ve worked for the state for much of my life and have experienced the obscene soup of incompetence that exists and which thereby wastes everyone’s hard-earned tax dollars.
by Dr Bunnygirl July 20, 2023
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Sarah, who accidentally types in the wrong window when instant messaging multiple people, is IMatically incompetent.
by Sonia O December 23, 2006
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A third (fourth,... ect.) boob that cannot even lactate that exists just for fun.
A humorous insult used to describe a bumbling idiot with a big smile on his face.
someone who insists that global warming is a hoax. (Whether we are causing it or not, it's still there.)
You may call that person an incompetent boob.

by Michael Conner May 1, 2008
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When a person acts like they have no idea how to do something even though they definitely do. They do this so that later on they can act like they're the master at either to impress someone or get praise. Also known as strategic incompetence
"I don't know how to do that, you do it"
"Stop lying, everyone knows how to change a tire, weaponized incompetence is why you have no girlfriend"
"Fine, (murmurs cartoon profanities)"
by HumongousBazongas AvadaKedavra December 21, 2021
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