An incel who believes that he is smarter than bascially everyone else he will ever meet. Usually these are idiots who use big words to sound smart and make mysoginist memes that they think are clever.
Ugh, here comes Carl the incellectual. He always talks about how he doesn't get a girlfriend because they are scared of his brain. It's actually his body odour, his personality and how he treats women that chases them away
by SnarkyZazu August 2, 2020
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A few months ago, Eric Weinstein came up with the phrase 'Incellectual Dork Web' to describe this eclectic mix of people from Sam Harris to Ben Shapiro to Eric Weinstein to Jordan Petersen, who are figuring out ways to have the important and often dangerous conversations that are completely ignored by the mainstream.
"Meet the Renegades of the Incellectual Dork Web
An alliance of heretics is making an end run around the mainstream conversation. Should we be listening?"
by Alex Jay 111 May 18, 2018
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