The measurable gap between a woman's thighs when standing with her feet together. Used as a term to express that a woman has feminine hips but thin, lean legs. Used among men to describe women with low body fat percentage. Used as a feature expressing a woman has a great body or a group of women have generally great bodies.
1) That runway model has epic space!
2) That girl is hot because she has the space.
3) There is great space in Southern California.
4) I'll tell you what turns me on about a
5) She was hot until she let herself fall apart and she lost her space.
by kb-young_raymond December 22, 2007
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The one place that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism
"Commander, you've rained on my glorious parade. For this, I'm sending everything I got at you. But I won't let you have the satisfaction of catching me. I'm escaping to one place that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism...SPACE"
by Mad_Dot_Sushi April 2, 2021
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duder #1 - hey whats up dude?
duder #2 - nothing at all. i'm gonna go check the space
by human=garbage August 14, 2006
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Space is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly hugely mindboggingly big it is. I mean you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space.
by mode_seven May 17, 2005
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In science-fiction circles, to execute someone by tossing him out of a spaceship's airlock without a spacesuit.
The Colonials discovered the Cylon agent and spaced him.
by Doug Holland March 11, 2006
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What my girlfriend demands the next day after we have sex. SPACE is required for her to have time to pretend it didn't happen and that we have not actually been dating for more than a month.

A constant state of relationship suppression.
Sorry, but I need some space now. I'll call you in a week.
by Stevie March 7, 2005
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Adding Space before a word makes it either the absolute best or worst of something.
Because everything is much more epic in space.
"Oh no! Space Banditos!"
"Space Banditos?! They're the most bad ass banditos of all!!"

"The doctor just told me...I have Space AIDS."
"Oh man, those are the worst kind."
by Satchmo BGW September 20, 2007
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