I'll be in my bunk

Coined by Jayne Cobb in the TV series Firefly, and said throughout one episode when he felt aroused by the ship's resident Companion and her female client.
"I'll be in my bunk"
by Klamath November 19, 2006
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I'll be in my bunk

A subtle hint that whatever has just occurred was so arousing that the person who said it needs to go someplace private and masturbate...alot.
Guy 1: Look over there, something extremely sexy is happening.
Guy 2: I'll be in my bunk.
by Blargenfast September 21, 2015
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I'll be in my bunk.

When something is sexual in nature, you say this. Similar to "That's what she said" or "bow chica bow wow."
Jayne Cobb says this after he saw Firefly's Companion and her female client.
Guy 1: Man that girl is hot.
Guy 2: I'll be in my bunk.
by The Garrison Wood January 22, 2012
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